Erica families fight to save kinder

by Emma Ballingall
A shocked community is prepared to fight plans to close Erica Preschool at the end of this year.
More than 20 parents, children and community members gathered at the preschool site on Wednesday morning - less than 24 hours after being advised via email - of the closure.
"It was a big surprise to wake up to yesterday," parent Krystal Galea said. "Devastating actually."
"We don't want to leave. We want our kids to make friends here, where they live."
Y Kinders - who manage local kindergarten services - acknowledged the decision was unexpected.
"This decision has not been made lightly," Y Kinders said in an email to families. "The challenges faced include ensuring we have the appropriate staff engaged, and the low enrolment numbers have contributed to our decision."

However, families disagree, with 10 children currently enrolled in the

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